the spy next door... i like jackie chan as much as anyone, but this just looks terrible. it looks like a cross between daddy day care, spy kids, and rush hour. what the hell. january 15th.
the tooth hurts... i am not going to say anything about this one. january 22nd.
the last song... based on a nicholas sparks novel of the same name, which really, i have no problem with. i don't care for any of the previous adaptations for sparks novels, and from what i have heard they are all pretty faithful. they're not the pinnacle of film-making, but hey, there are not too many good romance movies to begin with. in fact, there is another sparks film out in february (dear john) which is NOT on this list. my issue with this film? miley cyrus. and only for one reason which i'll hit upon in a later blog. around day 30 or so. april 2nd.
piranha 3-d... i saw the trailer for this, and it looked like one of the most cheaply made films i have ever not-seen. what the fuck is this shit and who gave the go ahead for it? below is the originals poster, cannot find a new one. april 16th.
shrek 4 ever after... okay, the none of the three already-released shrek films are "bad". actually, for most non-pixar animated films they are pretty tolerable. my issue is that this is SHREK 4. the reason i believe that pixar works so well is because the don't rely so much on sequels and are constantly coming forward with pretty fresh ideas. this is the fourth dip for this fairy tale parody, and really 3 showed that the ideas and writing were already starting to fade away. may 21st.
eclipse... i hate twilight. hate. terrible writing that overrode pretty much every notion of what a vampire was. the should not sparkle, they should not be out in daylight, they should not be gentle. i get that the novels are popular, but jesus. novel cover below. june 30th.
dispicable me... doesn't look bad, i'm just sick to death at seeing the trailer with EVERY 3d film i see. july 9th.
cats and dogs 2... my second "i have nothing to say to this" film. first films poster below, can't find the new one. july 30th.
i am sure there are a few more i am missing, but this covers the first half (or 7/12ths) of 2010. may do another post to this blog... but most likely will leave well enough alone. posters only so that i don't have to know the trailers are on my blog.
now playing: "mrs. robinson", simon & garfunkle
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